UL943认证耐久性测试(Endurance test)要求
6.14 Endurance test
6.14.1 A ground-fault circuit-interrupter shall have the necessary capacity for normal operation.
6.14.2 In order to determine compliance with 6.14.1,a ground-fault circuit-interrupter is to be caused to switch an inductive load adjusted for a value of load current equal to the ampere rating of the device and a power factor within the range of 0.75-0.80.
6.14.3 In performing the test described in 6.14.2,the device is to be switched"on"and,after one second,switched "off"at a rate of approximately 6 cycles of operation per minute for 3000 cycles.This test shall be performed using the supervisory circuit to operate the device.If the GFCI has a manual switching means,it shall be caused to operate an additional 3000 operations.
6.14.4 Reactive components of the load mentioned in 6.14.2 may be paralleled with each other if they are of the air-core type.An air-core reactor is to be paralleled with resistance adjusted to dissipate approximately one percent of the total power dissipated in the load without such resistance.
6.14.4 6.14.2中所述负载的无功部件如果为空心型,则可相互并联。空芯电抗器将与电阻并联,调整电阻以耗散负载中耗散的总功率的大约1%,而无需这种电阻。
6.14.5 The value of paralleled resistance R in ohms mentioned in 6.14.4 may be obtained by calculation from the relationshipin which E is the closed-circuit voltage at the load and I is the load current in amperes without resistance R.
6.14.5 6.14.4中提到的并联电阻R(单位:欧姆)的值可通过以下关系式计算得出:E是负载的闭路电压,I是负载电流(单位:安培),无电阻R。
6.14.6 In performing the test described in 6.14.2,the capacity of the supply circuit is to be such as to allow a closed-circuit voltage not less than 97.5 percent of the rated voltage of the ground-fault circuit-interrupter.Except when a higher value is agreed to by those concerned,the open-circuit voltage is to be in the range of 100-105 percent of the rated voltage of the ground-fault circuit-interrupter.A 1-A fuse is to be connected between the grounded conductor of the supply circuit and accessible conductive parts of the ground-fault circuit-interrupter.This fuse shall not operate to open the circuit.
6.14.7 A ground-fault circuit-interrupter shall withstand being tripped by means of the supervisory circuit and reset,at rated voltage without load,25 times in as rapid succession as practicable.
6.14.8 A representative device that has been subjected to an endurance test shall also be subjected to the dielectric withstand test of 6.11.No other tests are necessary on this representative device.
6.14.9 A ground-fault circuit-interrupter intended to be used as an "ON""OFF"control shall be additionally investigated to requirements for miscellaneous motor controllers.The device shall comply with overload,endurance,and dielectric tests in accordance with the applicable requirements of the relevant Standard listed in Annex A,Ref.No.12.Compliance with these tests is permitted to be indicated with the applicable horse power rating marked on the product and the area near the"TEST"and"RESET"buttons is permitted to be marked"OFF"and"ON"respectively.